At Total Eye Care our patients love our hi-tech, thorough eye exams. We employ the latest in advanced instrumentation. Technology improves the detection and treatment of diseases, allowing the Doctors to see their patients in a relaxed atmosphere.
Contact lenses are an important part of almost any modern optometric practice. We fit all types of contact lenses, however we specialize in advanced and difficult contact lenses.
Glaucoma is a progressive disease in which your peripheral vision progressively decreases. A patient's risk for developing glaucoma increases with age. Our doctors are Optometric Glaucoma Specialists using the
most advanced technology in the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma.
We provide the latest in the treatment for patients with Keratoconus. Many new modalities are now available to us. Treatments range from the latest in soft/gas permeable hybrid contact lenses, providing the optics and vision of a gas permeable
lens to the comfort of a soft lens, to more traditional gas permeable or soft contact lenses.
At Total Eye Care we
partner with our patients in finding the best procedure (whether it is LASIK, PRK, 30 day extended wear contacts or clear lens extraction to name just a few of the options available) and the best surgeon for their situation and give our patients an unbiased opinion on the best procedure for them.
Patients often seek us out to help them with complications caused by refractive surgery such as LASIK, PRK or RK. Some patients are unable to attain 20/20 vision after surgery even though they could prior to surgery.
Many patients find that contact lenses are uncomfortable or burn. LASIK is another frequent cause for patients with dry eyes. Systemic problems such as Sjogren's syndrome can also lead to dry eyes. We have helped many patients improve their ocular comfort with the numerous advances available for patients with dry eyes. Relief is just a phone call away.